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speaker, author, founder of 47ème rue

Grégoire Jeanmonod is French. After studying literature and art history, he became a journalist: for 15 years, he divided his time between writing articles for the press specialized in fine arts (Arts Magazine, Géo...) and preparing entertainment programs for television (Vivement dimanche, France 2). With this dual experience, he sought to build bridges between the related worlds of museum art and popular culture.

In 2013, fascinated by the human springs that make the life of any company and more than ever passionate about art and artists, he decided to create the company 47ème rue, to intervene as a speaker in corporate events. Since then, he regularly participates in seminars and conventions of various organizations, to make the link between art history and the world of work. With a conviction: art and its stories can help us live the company differently.

conférencière, coauteure

Après des études en médiation culturelle et communication, Charlotte Jeanmonod a travaillé au Théâtre du Rond-Point à Paris pour développer des projets de sensibilisation et d’événementiel. 10 ans plus tard, elle a quitté le monde du théâtre pour devenir conférencière et formatrice animée par une conviction profonde : nos relations sont au cœur de nos réussites. Elle a alors développé une offre autour de l’intelligence relationnelle, la psychologie positive et la communication non violente.


Avec 47ème rue ou avec sa propre société Joue la comme William, elle intervient depuis 2016 dans de nombreuses organisations pour animer des temps collectifs interactifs et apprenants.


Accessoirement, Charlotte est aussi la sœur du susnommé Grégoire... parce qu'on aime travailler en famille !



10 tableaux et leur époque
(Editions Defurden, 2011)

Ten masterpieces of the history of painting analyzed in the light of the political, philosophical, or economic circumstances that framed their birth. A journey through time to remember that art is never as powerful as when it resonates with a reality that is external to it, without being foreign to it.

Leçons d’artistes
(Editions Marabout, 2020)

What if the greatest artists in history helped us to work differently? Based on some thirty masterpieces from the history of art, from the Renaissance to the present day, Grégoire Jeanmonod attempts to draw as many avenues for reflection to take an original look at our professional practices.

The team

Renowned experts are mobilized to help you take a new and stimulating look at your business...

Leonard of V.

Research and Development Director

Visionary spirit, insatiable researcher and born inventor: the guarantee of always being one step ahead.

Pablo P.

Creativity Expert

70 years of experience in the field of creativity and
of innovation: a formidable opponent of the status quo.

Claude M.

Consultant, first impressions specialist

The combination of insight
and agility: an expert in
decision making in an emergency context.

Andy W.

Marketing director

A worldwide notoriety thanks to a controlled distribution of his work: a master of advertising and derivative products.

Frida K.

International Development Director

A talent hailed in South America, the United States and Europe: a singular audacity with global influence.

Salvador D.

Communication Director

Grandiose events and memorable interviews: a genius of communication with astounding ideas.

Vassily K.

Consultant, specialist in abstract concepts

A whole career based on the analysis of concepts
abstracts: a data modeling expert.

Vincent VanG.

Consultant, crisis management specialist

A marked working life
by failure: the greatest connoisseur of situations of failure and crisis.

Michael (Angel)

Head of Major Projects

Oversized projects
carried out with a master's hand in complete confidence: the man of the presumed impossible challenges.

Pierre-Paul R.

Human Resources Director

Thirty years at the head of a team of several dozen assistants and collaborators: a master of recruitment.

And many others...

Henri M., Eugene D.,
Francisco G., Gustav K.,
Sandro B., Jackson P.,
Diego V., Paul C. etc...

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Other ways to make art - in all its forms - an everyday source of inspiration

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The pleasure of the game, the strength of the story: digital escape games to learn and improve your skills.


Illusion and cognitive science: interactive conferences to discover, understand and grow together.


Theater and live performance: a fun and original conference to revisit the theme of the relationship in business.


History of art and visits to exhibitions: talk about art and history to better understand the contemporary world.

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Theater and live performance: a fun and original conference to revisit the theme of the relationship in business.


History of art and visits to exhibitions: talk about art and history to better understand the contemporary world.

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