the Artist & the Client

the Art of Painting, Johannes Vermeer 16661
Why a conference on the commercial relationship?
At a time when information is within everyone's reach, where everyone can find in a few minutes of surfing on the Internet the elements specific to informing them about the quality of the products and services offered to them, the role of the seller and the very nature of the business relationship have changed. From now on, what counts is less the seller's ability to inform his customer than his ability to build a relationship of trust and mutual goodwill with him. It is a question of moving from the status of service provider to that of partner.
Contrary to popular belief, the reality of artistic practice has always been closely linked to
commercial activity. Painters have always earned their living by responding to orders, and by being attentive to the evolution of the market. And because art draws its strength from emotion and sensitivity, the question of the relationship to others has always played a crucial role. The challenge of this conference is therefore to understand the postures that have enabled some great artists to conduct exchanges with their clients that stimulate their creativity and establish a climate of respect and complicity. And to show that these postures can make sense in the contemporary commercial relationship.
Duration of the service: approximately 1h15